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Parking Enforcement

Parking Enforcement Officer – Denise Dougherty, 860-355-3133 ext. 2810
Enforcement :  Sunday – Saturday – 8am – 8pm
3 hour parking Downtown area only. Streets include: Church St., behind Town Hall (parking lot), Whittlesey Ave., Treadwell Ave., Main St., Bank St., Railroad St., Railroad Plaza.

Note:  All downtown parking areas have designated spots; if there are no lines then it’s not a parking spot. Hash marks mean no parking in any area of New Milford.

Receiving a Parking Ticket :

When you receive a parking ticket you can do one of two things, you can pay or appeal.  You have a 10 day window to do either. If you decide to pay the ticket, either drop the payment off at the Police Department or mail the ticket (which is the yellow envelope) to the address shown on the envelope.  If you decide to appeal the ticket, mail the ticket to the Police Department and the appeals form will be sent out to you or come by the Police Department to get the appeal form.  This form needs to be filled out within 10 days and mailed to the address on the form. You will be notified by email, phone, or mail if you are on the Traffic Commission Agenda. Traffic Commission meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at New Milford Town Hall in the E. Paul Martin Room.

Parking Enforcement
Parking Enforcement

Parking Ticket Violations:

Parking on the wrong side of the street
Parking more than 12 inches from curb
Parking in more than one designated parking space
Parking or remaining stationary constituting a traffic hazard
Overtime parking
Parking in a loading zone
Snow emergency / Overnight parking
Parking or remaining stationary with 25ft of intersection/crosswalk/stop sign
Double parking
Parking or remaining stationary in fire lane
Parking within 10ft of a fire hydrant
Handicapped parking (State permit required)